(312) 368-0011 assistance@il-cha.org

Chaplain Education


The ICHA Board of Directors, in consultation with the Bishops and Sponsors of Catholic healthcare facilities in the Province of Illinois, have engaged the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) to develop and provide a six (6) hour class for chaplains interested in practicing in any Catholic health facility in the Province of Illinois. The course will provide a review of the Sacraments, Catholic social teaching and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs). Prior to being endorsed by the local ordinary, chaplains need to complete this course within their first year of employment.

The purpose of this additional education is to provide standardization of education and understanding across the Illinois Province. It is important that our Chaplains express a consistent message and interpretation at all Catholic sponsored institutions in Illinois. This course will also provide new Chaplains, who may or may not be Catholic, an opportunity to review recent changes in the ERDs and explore their own questions concerning the Sacraments, Catholic social teaching and the ERDs.

Participants will also receive a 20% discount on one year of Individual Membership in the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). This membership enables Chaplains to receive NCBC publications and other resources for ongoing formation after the conclusion of the program.

Additionally, the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) has approved the total program for 6 continuing education hours.

Note – the cost of this program is $300.

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642 W Deming Place
Chicago, IL 60614

P: 312-368-0011
E: assistance@il-cha.org