(312) 368-0011 assistance@il-cha.org


Recently we received a brochure on the National Catholic Certification Program in Bioethics offered by The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). Cardinal George has asked that ICHA distribute this notice to all of our members. This program fits in very well with ICHA’s recent efforts to identify ministry leadership development programs for targeted disciplines. Similar to the NCBC program (www.ncbcenter.org/certification.asp), ICHA is in the process of developing a co-sponsored arrangement with The Aquinas Institute’s Vocare program in St. Louis (www.ai.edu) and the Cardinal George Center (www.cardinal georgecenter.org/cgc/apply.cfm) and the Neiswanger Institute (hsd.luc.edu/bioethics/) in Chicago. More information will be provided as these relationships are developed more fully.

I would be very pleased if at least one member of your ethics committee or staff would participate in one of these programs. There is often confusion about the Catholic moral tradition and its proper application in the area of medical ethics. These programs have the complete confidence of the Bishops and I am certain it will be of assistance to you in your health care ministry.

If you would like more information or have specific questions, please feel free to contact me at 312-368-0011. Thank you.

Patrick Cacchione
Executive Director
Illinois Catholic Health Association

Nursing Resources

For more information on nursing resources, contact:
Caitlin Stewart
Education Resource Manager
Center for School, College & Career Resources

End of Life Documents

Hard copies also available for reasonable bulk purchase by calling the Chicago office of the Catholic Conference of Illinois at (312) 368-1066.

Guide to Medicare Benefits

Guide to Healthcare Administration Degrees

Chaplain Education Program


RSS Catholic News

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642 W Deming Place
Chicago, IL 60614

P: 312-368-0011
E: assistance@il-cha.org