(312) 368-0011 assistance@il-cha.org

ICHA Board Members 2024

Cacchione, Patrick
Executive Director, ICHA

Halstead, John L.
AMITA Health

Keen, Dr. Mary
Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital and Clinics

Kelsey-Davis, Debra
Nourish For Caregivers, Ltd.

Mayer, Dawn
Franciscan Ministries

McCormick, Br. Daniel
Sponsor, Ascension Health Ministries

Merdian, Msgr. Mark – chair
Diocese of Peoria

Paprocki, Bishop Thomas John
Diocese of Springfield in Illinois

Roach, Steve
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Springfield

Rutherford, Theresa
St. Mary’s Hospital, Decatur

Sehring, Robert
OSF Healthcare

Sifuentes, James
St. Anthony Hospital, Chicago

Trstensky, Sr. Jomary
Sponsor, Hospital Sisters Health System

Tylka, Bishop Louis
Diocese of Joliet

Chaplain Education Program


RSS Catholic News

  • Chaldean bishops reject same-sex unions (CNA)
    The bishops of the Chaldean Catholic Church have stated that they will not recognize “the union of two people of the same sex.” At a meeting of the Chaldean Synod, the bishops said that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman to form a family. The Synod also called for […]
  • Archdiocesan prayer rally opposes divorce initiative in Philippines (Crux)
    The Archdiocese of Cebu is organizing a prayer rally on July 27 to support marriage and spur opposition to a bid to legalize divorce in the Philippines. Archbishop Jose Palma said that event is “a thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift of family, the gift of the sacrament, and the gift of the many […]
  • Prominent Russian Orthodox prelate suspended (Orthodox Times)
    The Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow has announced that Metropolitan Hilarion has been suspended “temporarily” from his post as head of the Budapest diocese, during an investigation of his leadership. Although the announcement did not specify the reason for the investigation, a recent story in Novaya Gazeta Europe had disclosed that Metropolitan Hilarion has been […]
  • Knights of Malta deliver food relief to Gaza (Jerusalem Patriarchate)
    The Latin-rite Patriarchate of Jerusalem has announced the successful delivery of relief supplies to the single Catholic parish in Gaza. About 40 tons of food were delivered on July 23, supplied through the Knights of Malta, the patriarchate reported. Packages of non-perishable food items, which should be sufficient to feed a family of five for […]
642 W Deming Place
Chicago, IL 60614

P: 312-368-0011
E: assistance@il-cha.org